Dana Pembangunan Markaz Tarbiyah Al-Mahmudiyah

Dana Pembangunan Markaz Tarbiyah Al-Mahmudiyah

Minda Mumtaz.

Minda Mumtaz.
Formulasi Makanan Sunnah untuk Perkembangan Minda & Kecerdasan Badan

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dashatnya teknologi. ubah wajah guna latex.

Teknologi ini sudah lama wujud di Hollywood! Mereka menggunakan apa yang dipanggil "latex perfection" untuk menukarkan wajah seseorang daripada muda kepada tua dan sebaliknya. Daripada perempuan kepada lelaki, daripada berkulit putih kepada berkulit hitam, daripada John malkovich kepada Arnold Shwezenegger!

"Full-head latex masks can be made so perfectly that it is impossible to tell the wearer from the person he is impersonating until the moment he pulls off his face by grabbing an invisible seam at the back of his jaw. Even close acquaintances and family members will be fooled. Masks of this quality can completely alter the shape of the wearer's face and head, even to the point of making them thinner or smaller as needed, regardless of common sense or physical law. Best of all for those who need them, masks of such exquisite detail can be made without resorting to casting the face of the target — a couple of small black-and-white photos will do just fine as a reference." baca selanjutnya di sini..http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LatexPerfection
Lihat gambar di bawah. Percaya tak bahawa wajah wanita tersebut boleh dimekap sehingga menyerupai lelaki berkulit gelap tersebut?

Lihat video dibawah.

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